Issue 23 | December 2018

A Special Feature on Water in Europe and the World.
“Seeking a Blue Urbanism: The Paradoxes of Blue Nature” by Timothy Beatley
“Facing Floods in the Middle Ages” by Ellen Arnold
“The Governance of Transboundary Rivers Across the World” by Neda Zawahri
“Water Stress and Pollution in Belgium: The Internationalization and Regionalization of a Policy Problem” by Monica Garcia Quesada and David Aubin
“Climate Change, Water, and the Golden Age of the Dutch Republic” by Dagomar Degroot
“Desalination: Water for an Increasingly Thirsty World” by Geoffrey M. Geise
“A Legal Foundation: Critical to a Realized SDG 6 and Universal Access to Water and Sanitation” by Alexandra Campbell-Ferrari and Luke Wilson
“Management of European Water Bodies: Approaching a Good Status?” by Ralf B. Schäfer, Mira Kattwinkel, and Elisabeth Berger
“Sustainable Crop Production and Consumption: The Role of Water Use for Irrigation” by Stefan Siebert
“Water Quality Law in the United States and European Union: A Comparison of the Clean Water Act and Water Framework Directive” by Robin Kundis Craig
“Are Water Markets Liquid? Evidence from Southeastern Spain” by Javier D. Donna and José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez
“Reflections on the Soviet Politics of Water in the 1930s” by Cynthiana Ruder
“How WWF Harnesses Water as Both a Source of Risk and Reward to Mobilize Action” by Alexis Morgan
“Where Will We Find Tomorrow’s Water” by Fernando Mercé
“The Future of Water Research: An Interview with Paolo D’Odorico” by Peter Debaere
“Water Advocacy, Philanthropy and Professional Football: An Interview with Chris Long” by Hélène Ducros
Visual Art
Excerpt from Marble by Amalie Smith, translated from the Danish by Jennifer Russell
“The Birds” by Vladimir Poleganov, translated from the Bulgarian by Peter Bachev
Tight Knit Global Families and the Social Life of Fast Fashion, reviewed by Elandre Dedrick
The Irish Scholarly Presence at St. Gall: Networks of Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages, reviewed by Salvatore Cipriano
Electing the Pope in Early Modern Italy, 1450-1700, reviewed by Christopher Gillett
Campus: Water Centers & Institutes: Bridges in Academia Towards Practice
“The Pacific Institute: A Global Think Tank” by Rebecca Olson
“Learning from Challenges in the Arid West: Stanford’s Water in the West” by Leon F. Szeptycki and Newsha Ajami
“Water Footprint Network: Toward Sustainable, Fair and Efficient Fresh Water Use” by Joep Schyns
“IHE Delft Institute for Water Education: Integrating International Graduate Education as a Legacy of the North Sea Flood of 1953” by Emma Meurs
“The Columbia Water Center” by Margo Weiss
“Beyond Capetown’s ‘Day Zero:’ Stellenbosch University Water Institute” by Charon Willem
“Water-related Activities at the University of Copenhagen, SCIENCE” by Mette Frimodt-Møller
“University of Virginia Global Water Initiative: Learning from Water Challenges & Solutions Around the Globe” by Peter Debaere, Teresa Culver, and Mike Pace
“The Oxford Water Network: Securing Water for Sustainable Development” by Dustin Garrick
Campus Spotlight: The Global Water Initiative at the University of Virginia
Syllabus: Storm Water Management by Teresa Culver (Engineering at UVA)
Syllabus: Fluid Mechanics by Teresa Culver (Engineering at UVA)
Syllabus: Sustainable Water and Food Security by Paolo D’Odorico (Hydrology at Berkeley)
Syllabus: Forest Hydrology by Paolo D’Odorico (Hydrology at Berkeley)
Syllabus: Global Economics of Water by Peter Debaere (Business/Economic at UVAs)
Syllabus: Sustainability Policy Design and Evaluations by Molly Lipscomb (Public Policy at UVA)
Syllabus: Water Seminar I by Christian McMillen (History at UVA)
Syllabus: Water Seminar II by Christian McMillen (History at UVA)
Syllabus: Limnology: Inland Water Ecosystems by Mike Pace (Environmental Science at UVA)
Syllabus: Physical Hydrology by Matt Reidenbach (Environmental Science at UVA)
Syllabus: The Dynamics of Oceans by Matt Reidenbach (Environmental Science at UVA)
Syllabus: Water Sustainability by Brian Richter (Environmental Science/Architecture at UVA)
Syllabus: Water for the World by Jim Smith (Engineering at UVA)
Editor’s Pick