Issue 18 | June 2018

A Special Feature on Europe-China Relations.
“16+1: The EU’s concerns of a Chinese ‘Trojan Horse'” by Eamonn Butler
“Controversies and Contradictions About Chinese Investments in Europe” by Jan Knoerich and Simon Vitting
“Roads, Belts, and Connectivities: Chinese Silk Road Projects in New Perspective” by Madeleine Herren
“Belt and Road Initiative in Europe: Reaching Beyond Asia” by Xinghua Liu
“A ‘Critical’ Dialogue?’ Taking Stock of Europe’s Human Rights Dialogue with China” by Andreas Boje Forsby
“Cap Setting and Strict Compliance Enforcement Will be Critical for Chinese Emissions Trading Scheme” by Patrick Bayer
“The EU and China: Prospects of Cooperation on Climate and Energy” by Alexandra-Maria Bocse
“The Politics of European Studies in China: Scientific Arguments for the Party and the State?” by Ralph Weber and Silvana Tarlea
“Central Asia in the Age of Connectivity” by Alberto Turkstra
Visual Art
“China Engaging Europe: An Interview with Odd Arne Westard” by Sherman Teichman
“Fast Fashion, Transnational Ties, and Encounter Ethnography in Italy: An Interview with Elizabeth L. Krause” by Kelly McKowen
Campus Spotlight: University of Glasgow
“The Glasgow-Nankai Joint Graduate School: An Interview with Richard Berry” by Lara Davis and Eamonn Butler
Syllabus: The Geopolitics of Central Europe by Eamonn Butler
Syllabus: The International Politics of Post-Soviet Central Asia by Luca Anceschi
Syllabus: Comparative European Politics by Thomas Lundberg
Excerpt from The Shutters by Ahmed Bouanani, translated from the French by Emma Ramadan
Three poems from The Exeter Book, translated from Old English by Gnaomi Siemens
Three poems by Lorenzo Carlucci, translated from the Italian by Todd Portnowitz
Excerpt from The Bottom of the Sky by Rodrigo Fresán, translated from the Spanish by Will Vanderhyden
Excerpt from Geography of Rebels by Maria Gabriela Llansol, translated from the Portuguese by Audrey Young
Sergei Prokofiev’s Alexander Nevsky by Kevin Bartig, reviewed by Jamie Blake
Unorthodox Kin: Portuguese Marranos and the Global Search for Belonging by Naomi Leite, reviewed by Brandon Hunter
The Political Economy of Higher Education Finance by Julian Garritzmann, reviewed by Scott Smith
Editor’s Pick
Laboratory of Socialist Development: Cold War Politics and Decolonization in Soviet Tajikistan by Artemy M. Kalinovsky
Escape from Vichy: The Refugee Exodus to the French Caribbean by Eric T. Jennings
Los olvidados de los olvidados: Un siglo y medio de anarquismo en España by Carlos Taibo