Issue 32 | March 2020

A Special Feature, Me Who? The Audibility of a Social Movement
“Being Passed off as Wicked Witches, That’s a Bit Much!’ When the Victims Become the Defendants” by Bronwyn Winter
“The Unimaginable Rapist and the Backlash Against #MeToo in Portugal” by Júlia Garraio, Sofia José Santos, Inês Amaral and Alexandre de Sousa Carvalho
“Saying #MeToo in the Swedish Legal System: The Importance of Believing Women” by Caitlin Carroll
“Not Just Pretty Faces, They Have Powerful Voices Too: Celebrity Discourse and the #MeToo Movement” by Sumayya Ebrahim and Lisa Liu
Visual Art
Malina, reviewed by Maya Solovej
Heroines and Local Girls: The Transnational Emergence of Women’s Writing in the Long Eighteenth Century, reviewed by Siobhán McIlvanney
Faces of Muhammad: Western Perceptions of the Prophet of Islam from the Middle Ages to Today, reviewed by Stephanie Yep
The Holocaust and North Africa, reviewed by Nick Ostrum
Turkish Germans in the Federal Republic of Germany Immigration, Space, and Belonging, 1961–1990, reviewed by Jennifer Miller
Oil and the Great Powers: Britain and Germany, 1914-1945, reviewed by Aleksandra Pomiecko
Campus Spotlight: Appalachian State University
“The Wife of Bath, Rape, and the Ethical Classroom” by Alison Gulley
“What is the Scholar’s Role in Apocalyptic Times?” by Martha McCaughey and Scott Welsh
“Ecofeminist Embodiment in the Anthropocene” by Kathryn Kirkpatrick
“From the Well to the Internet: Alternative Modes of Education by Women Through History” by Lillian Livermore
“Syllabus: Feminist Political Theory” by Nancy Love
“Syllabus: Fat Talk: A Feminist Perspective” by Denise Martz
“Fat Talk, Body Snarking, and Women’s Body Image: An Interview with Denise Martz” by Hélène Ducros
Campus Monthly Round-Up
Editor’s Picks
Published on March 10, 2020