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Teaching Genocide
By Nicholas Ostrum
The first half of the course introduces students to Jewish life in early twentieth-century Europe, Germany’s interwar embrace of Nazi fascism, the hardening of the Nazi state, and the early Nazi and allied prosecution of the racial war in Germany itself and in Eastern Europe. The second half of the course focuses on Holocaust as it unfolded in the Second World War, with a special focus on the Final Solution to the Jewish Question as prescribed at the Wannsee Conference.
By Nick Ostrum
This course examines themes of resistance and rescue, escape and survival, and perseverance and dignity in the face of the very worst that fascism, industrial modernity, and humanity had to offer.
By Nick Ostrum
EuropeNow features a selection of scholarly material on topics pertinent to the teaching of Europe or teaching in Europe.
Interviewed by Nicholas Ostrum
The topics chosen for our seminars are intended to fulfill our goal of teaching the Holocaust from a number of angles and perspectives.
Reviewed by Gerd Bayer
Rich Brownstein has strong opinions on the many films he discusses in this comprehensive coverage of Holocaust cinema, and he does not mince his words.
By Barry Trachtenberg
The January 10, 2022 decision by the McMinn County Board of Education in Tennessee to prohibit the teaching of Art Spiegelman’s graphic memoir Maus from its eighth grade (typically, thirteen-year-old students) curriculum set off a firestorm of media attention.
In this campus series, we feature pieces on teaching genocide.