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Race, Colonialism, Imperialism
By Louie Dean Valencia-García
Spanning from antiquity, this course deconstructs the concept and history of “Western Civilization.” Through the study of primary and secondary sources, students will consider how history can be written to include oppressed and marginalized voices while still attempting to understand the broad scope of European history and its legacy.
By Clara Frysztacka
“Europe” and “nation” are deeply connected concepts. In historiography, conceptions seeing the seventeenth century as birth moment both for the nation-state and the idea of modern Europe are utterly widespread.
By Boyd van Dijk
The course demonstrates how Europe’s images of justice and rights were far from constant, but actually shifted overtime to reflect changing moral and political transformations.
By Laura Scuriatti
How is it possible to narrate the experiences of estrangement, disorientation and surprise born out of the encounter with a foreign place which is also supposed to feel like “home?”
By Odd Arne Westad
At the beginning of the 21st century, China is moving ever closer to the center of international affairs. This course traces the country’s complex foreign relations over the past 250 years, identifying the forces that will determine its path in the decades to come.
By Janet McIntosh
View this course syllabus for Colonialism and Postcoloniality in Africa: Encounters and Dilemmas from the Anthropology Department at Brandeis University.
By Carina Ray
View this course syllabus for Race, Sex, and Colonialism from the History Department at Brandeis University.