Limnology: Inland Water Ecosystems

This is part of our Campus Spotlight on the Global Water Initiative at the University of Virginia.


8/29/18 W Limnology Introduction Kalff (pp 1-10)
8/31/18 F Lake Ecosystems Lewis
9/3/18 M River/Stream Ecosystems Fisher & Sponseller
9/5/18 W Water & Water Resources Downing & Duarte
9/7/18 F Project: Description, Examples, Homework
9/10/18 M Hydrology, Watersheds, Water Budgets Narasimhan
9/12/18 W Lakes: Origins and Morphometry Branstrator
9/14/18 F Light in Water Morris
9/17/18 M Temperature/Mixing/Stratification Boehrer & Schultze
9/19/18 W Water Movements Kalff Chpt 12
9/21/18 F Oxygen Kalff Chpt 15
9/24/18 M Inorganic Carbon/pH Cole & Prairie
9/26/18 W Salinity/Cation/Anions Cronan
9/28/18 F Project: Working with Data
10/1/18 M Test 1
10/3/18 W Project: Individual Meetings
10/5/18 F Phosphorus Cycle Caraco
10/8/18 M No Class Reading Day
10/10/18 W Nitrogen Cycle Howarth
10/12/18 F Pelagic Primary Production & Phytoplankton Reynolds
10/15/18 M Benthic Primary Production & Aquatic Plants Dokulil & Kailblinger
10/17/18 W Nutrients, Production, & Eutrophication Smith
10/19/18 F Harmful Algal Blooms Burkholder
10/22/18 M Seconary Production Zooplankton Sterner
10/24/18 W Secondary Production Benthos Chaloner et al.
10/26/18 F Secondary Production Microbes Yannarell & Kent
10/29/18 M Fish & Fisheries Gido & Hargrave
10/31/18 W Aquatic Food Webs Gaedke
11/2/18 F Test 2
11/5/18 M Sediments, Sedimentation, & Paleolimnology Bloesch
11/7/18 W Contaminants Echols et al.
11/9/18 F Project: Structure of Paper, Writing Tips
11/12/18 M Reservoirs Nilsson
11/14/18 W Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems Dudgeon et al.
11/16/18 F Aquatic Ecosystem Services Limburg
11/19/18 M Succession & Regime Shifts Meerhoff & Jeppesen
11/21/18 W No Class/Thanksgiving Recess
11/23/18 F No Class/Thanksgiving Recess
11/26/18 M Climate Change and Aquatic Ecosystems Vincent
11/28/18 W Case Study: Klamath & Endangered Species
11/30/18 F Case Study: Watersheds & Acidification
12/3/18 M Case Study: Hudson River & Invasions
12/5/18 W Case Study: Trophic Cascades & Allochthony
12/7/17 F Catch-Up, Synthesis and Course Review
12/14/18 F Final Exam (9-12)



These are syllabi of water courses or courses with significant water content from colleagues affiliated with the Global Water Initiative at the University of Virginia.

Photo: underwater freshwater green landscape / underwater landscape of the lake ecosystem, algae, green water, fresh water | Shutterstock
Published on December 11, 2018.


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