Publications by SECUREU Members
Aktürk, Şener. 2022. “Nationalism and Religion in Comparative Perspective: A New Typology of National-Religious Configurations.” Nationalities Papers 50, no. 2 (2022): 205-218. DOI: (Open Access)
Aktürk, Şener, and Idlir Lika. 2022. “The puzzle of Turkish minority representation, nationhood cleavage, and politics of recognition in Bulgaria, Greece, and North Macedonia.” Mediterranean Politics 27, no.1: 1-28. DOI: 10.1080/13629395.2020.1750269
Aktürk, Şener, and Idlir Lika. 2022. “Varieties of Resilience and Side Effects of Disobedience Cross-National Patterns of Survival during the Coronavirus Pandemic.” Problems of Post-Communism 69, no.1 (2022): 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/10758216.2021.1894405
Aktürk, Şener, and Yury Katliarou. 2021. “Institutionalization of Ethnocultural Diversity and the Representation of European Muslims.” Perspectives on Politics 19, no.2 (2021): 388-405. DOI:
Aktürk, Şener. 2022. “Ethnicity and Religion in Russia.” In Susanne Wengle (ed.), Russian Politics Today: Stability and Fragility. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Carlà, Andrea. 2023. Migration and (De)Securitisation Dynamics at the Local Level: Discourses and Practices in South Tyrol. In: Jakobson, ML., King, R., Moroşanu, L., Vetik, R. (eds) Anxieties of Migration and Integration in Turbulent Times. IMISCOE Research Series. Springer, Cham. DOI:
Carlà, Andrea, and Marcus Nicolson. 2023. “Negotiated belonging in sub-state nationalist contexts: young adult migrant narratives in Scotland and South Tyrol”. CMS 11. DOI:
Grote, Georg and Andrea Carlà. 2024. “Changing Borders and Challenging Belonging”. Oxford, United Kingdom: Peter Lang Verlag., DOI:
Haslinger, Peter. 2022. “Language conflicts and securitization in multilingual societies”. LPLP 46:2, pp. 131–145,
Medda-Windischer, Roberta, and Andrea Carlà. 2022. “At the intersection of language, conflict, and security : Theoretical and empirical perspectives”. LPLP 46:2, pp. 113–130,
Mulvey, Gareth, Skleparis, Dimitris & Brian Boyle. 2023. “Territorial variance in the UK’s refugee politics and its consequences: Young Syrian refugees in England and Scotland”. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 0(0).