Bahar Rumelili
Bahar Rumelili (PhD, University of Minnesota) is a Professor and Jean Monnet Chair at the Department of International Relations, Koc University, Istanbul. Her primary research areas are international relations theory and European studies, with a focus on identity, ontological security, conflict resolution, and citizenship. Her research on European identity has focused on tracing the constructions of European identity in the EU’s enlargement discourses during the post- Cold War period. On the basis of this research, Bahar Rumelili has argued that while the European identity is dependent on the construction of peripheral states as different, the representations of difference take a variety of forms, leading to a number of forms of Othering. Her more recent research focuses on ontological security, and the ways in which individuals and collectives strive to maintain coherent self-narratives in the context of change. She has published a book with Routledge and several edited volumes, and her work has appeared in European Security, Security Dialogue, Geopolitics, Review of International Studies, and in the European Journal of Internternational Relations.