In this section of Campus, EuropeNow features a selection of scholarly articles and books on topics pertinent to the teaching of Europe or teaching in Europe that were published within the last 5 years. This dynamic bibliography, with monthly installments, seeks to highlight both pedagogy research as well as critical analyses of debates taking place in higher education in and about Europe.
If you are interested in reviewing any of the books featured in any of our Campus Round-Ups, please contact our Research and Pedagogy Chair, Hélène Ducros, at helene@alumni.unc.edu
1. “On Principles, Europe and Higher Education: Reflections on European Higher Education as an Intersecting Normative Space”
The objective of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive framework to answer the question “What are the European higher education principles?”. The first section gives preliminary definitions of key notions for this framework: ‘principles’ and ‘normative space’. The second section presents European higher education principles as derived from European general principles, and articulated to the European market vision. The third section interprets them as embedded in the “University normative space” and connected to its principles and values. The fourth and conclusive section proposes to define European higher education as a normative space at the intersection between two normative spaces, “Europe” and “University”, and to differentiate between the EU (market) and EHEA (hybrid) versions of these European higher education principles.
Buy the book by Pauline Ravinet from Palgrave
2. “Abyssal lines and cartographies of exclusion in migration and education: towards a reimagining”
Educational institutions across the Western world, from schools through to universities, are increasingly being drawn into highly ideological spaces of immigration control, integration and securitization. This paper outlines the complex contours of this ‘education-migration nexus’ and contributes to the critique of the way that education is becoming yoked to different political and social agendas. It also seeks to offer an analysis of the way in which the experiences, knowledges and practices of those from non-Western contexts become disqualified and rendered non-existent. Drawing on the work of Boaventura de Sousa Santos, I develop a postcolonial analysis which exposes the partial and distorted framing of migration, migrants and integration, a framing which gives rise to the current highly restrictive role of education. The paper concludes with a reimagined conceptualization and suggests a draft agenda for education and migration studies. This calls for a more dynamic understanding of education which is open and flexible and prepared to enter into dialogue between different knowledges and practices, rather than seeking only to assimilate and construct learners according to some predetermined image.
Read the full article in International Journal of Lifelong Education
3.”Teaching Migration Studies THROUGH Collaborative Learning Practices in an Intercultural Environment: The Case of the Erasmus IP Sono un Migrante”
Collaborative learning refers to methodologies and environments in which learners engage in a common task where each individual depends on and is accountable to each other. These include both face-to-face conversations, working group and online forums, chat, etc. The aim of this paper is to outline the main features of a project of collaborative learning in an international context: the Erasmus Intensive Programme Sono un Migrante to be implemented at the University of Salerno. Funded by the Italian Erasmus LLP Authority, the project involves the participation of students and teachers from 7 different universities of 6 EU countries.
Read the full article in Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences
4. “Global citizenship, migration and national curriculum: A tale of two nations”
Scotland and South Korea are experiencing novel challenges in educating for and about migrant populations. Through a critical discourse analysis of these nations’ national curricula, we consider the guidance educators are offered in teaching about issues related to migration in increasingly diverse classrooms. Framed by theories of critical global citizenship, our analysis suggests that both curricula use ambiguous approaches to global citizenship education. These curricula acknowledge the presence of migrants without disturbing stable visions of Korean and Scottish national identities. Such approaches are reflective of the challenges of integrating migrants into the civic life of South Korea and Scotland.
Read the full article in British Journal of Educational Studies
5. “Islamic religious education in Belgian state schools: a post-secular perspective”
Based on Habermas’ normative theory of religion in post-secular society, this article elaborates on the organization of Islamic religious education (RE) in state schools. Hereto, a brief sketch of the Habermasian concepts of reflexive religion and complementary learning processes will be given. Subsequently, the author addresses the role of RE in post-secular society and applies these Habermasian concepts to confessional RE, with particular attention to Islamic RE in Belgium, where this subject is included as an optional subject in the state school curriculum since 1975, but where it is also criticized today, in particular with regard to content, teacher-training, textbooks, and inspection. These deficiencies will lead us to one of the main problems of Islamic RE and of confessional RE in general: the absence of state control. Based on Habermas’ ideas, the author concludes that it is up to the state to elucidate under which conditions confessional RE can be part of the regular curriculum, and to facilitate these conditions, by funding and co-organizing teacher training, reviewing curricula and textbooks, formulating a ‘core curriculum’ and controlling teachers, for example. If these conditions have not been met, confessional RE should not be a part of the regular curriculum in a liberal state.
Read the full article in Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education
Photo: Online or distance education, e-learning, studying on internet | Shutterstock
Published on September 10, 2019.